You will cross the ancient streets of the city of Bacoli, founded by the ancient Romans with the name of Bauli, and you will relive the history of places where they have left their imprint emperors, Romans, poets and musicians!
On the beach of the Marina di Bacoli you will visit "La Tomba di Agrippina," an imperial monument presented to travellers of the Grand Tour as the tomb of Agrippina, killed in 59 A.D. by order of his son Nerone.
Continuing you will visit the "Piscina Mirabilis", the largest cistern ever built by the ancient Romans that had the function of supplying water to the numerous ships belonging to the Classis Misenensis of the Roman Navy, which found mooring and shelter in the port of Miseno.
In this context you can also admire the latest creation of the famous street artist Agoch Jorit, with his unique reproduction of the Cumana Sibyl.
What are you waiting for? Book now an unforgettable walking tour in Campania!
Possibility of parking either on blue stripes for a fee or private parking adjacent to the meeting place
Sali a bordo di un kayak e vivi un’esperienza unica tra Bacoli e Miseno con un percorso lungo la storica Costa Flegrea
Trascorri una magica notte d'estate scegliendo un'escursione kayak in notturna, dal tramonto a tarda sera, tra Bacoli e Miseno, con braciata finale in spiaggia al ritmo di musica, canti e balli!
Immerse yourself in the nature and history of the Flegrea area with a fascinating trek through the stories and legends of Capo Miseno di Bacoli and its Mount